New look, new logo
Website relaunch
The website has finally been updated and revised. GardenersOwn.org.uk has a new look and a new logo. I decided to integrate the website with my other one at DataAnalytics. So, this new version of GardenersOwn will focus more on ecology, environmental science and conservation biology.
Over time I will add more articles and resources: look for example data sets to help teachers and students learn about biological recording, statistical analysis and graphical presentation. I will also add custom R functions to help with a range of analytical tasks.
I’ve re-branded this site as DataAnalytics: Ecology Matters, to highlight the difference from my other website. There are plenty of links to the DataAnalytics website, the transition should be fairly seamless. Head over to DataAnalytics if you are looking for general articles about data analysis, graphical presentation and articles about R: the statistical programming language. You’ll still find articles about those topic here at DataAnalytics: Ecology Matters but the focus is more directly ecological.
Thank you to the guys at Immersive Media who have done a great job and the new website will now work on all modern devices (unlike my own past clumsy efforts with Dreamweaver).
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